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When: January 12, 2018
Where: West Palm Beach, FL at the Marriott Hotel
Hotel ReservationsCLICK HERE to make hotel reservations online at the discounted rate of $179 per night for dates ranging from January 9th - 18th, 2018. You must book your hotel room by 12/22/2017 to lock in the $179 rate. Last year the block filled up quickly so make sure to reserve your spot before it's too late!

IMPORTANT: If you plan on attending the Eclipse Winter Retreat training classes on January 13th & 14th  CLICK HERE to proceed to the discounted bundle page and save $20.

First Annual Eclipse Winter Retreat Realtime Championship Competition
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm (.25 CE credits awarded for each leg of the contest where a participant attains 95 percent accuracy or greater.)

We will have a warm-up period before the official dictation begins.  We would encourage everyone to participate, regardless of skill level. You never know!  You are also welcome to watch even if you don't participate.

Realtime Lab
1:30 pm – 5:30 pm (​4 hours or .4 CE credits)

We are starting later in the day so if you arrive sometime on Friday morning, you still have time to make the class.

This will be a hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves realtime lab with Jeremy Thorne and Julie Samford. Bring your equipment, and we will bring your our best tips and tricks for better realtime.

This won't be a quick explanation with a handout. We'll start the day out with Analyze Docs and Build Dictionary for awesome realtime prep. We will give you actual files to analyze and we will get some from an online source, convert them to ASCII and scan them against your dictionary to see what you need to add for your next realtime job. Then we will use that list to quickly add the words using Build Dictionary.

Everything that we teach, we will go through actual exercises together to make sure you've got it. This will be for ALL LEVELS. (Vox participants, Jennifer Lester Thompson will be right there with you to provide any instructions for voice that might vary from steno.  We've got you covered!) Whether you provide realtime output for attorneys or not, let's make your translation rate something to be proud of!

We will also do a live demonstration of Connection Magic shared editing where everyone can log in and help scope a job together. Jeremy will go over setting up Bridge Mobile without using the internet, and we can all log in as attorneys to view the realtime feed.

IMPORTANT: If you plan on attending the Eclipse Winter Retreat training classes on January 13th & 14th  CLICK HERE to proceed to the discounted bundle page and save $20.

